The Necromancer’s Horde

Life in Brakensburg has never been easy but it has always been rewarding. The people are as hardy as the wheat the grow and as strong as the ale they drink. But even the toughest of people need a Hero when the dead begin to rise……

The Necromancer’s Horde is a 4 Act Module with a branching story line; the choices you make as you play may have far-reaching consequences. Featuring both the Undead and Orc armies, this Module is designed for heroes just beginning their journey to greatness. While it is intended to be played in a 3 Part Saga, it can also be played as its own stand alone adventure. Are you brave enough to the stop the Necromancer and their hordes from claiming Brackensburg for the Darkness?


  • Fight off the hordes of the undead and save Brackensburg!
  • New enemies, allies, and loot
  • Branching storyline, your choices and successes matter
  • End with an epic, final showdown against a new enemy type: The Ultra Boss!
  • Add Town Mode for even more gameplay (The town of Brackensburg is designed to work in tandem with this module, but completely optional. Included in link)

Coming Soon: The Vault of Shadows